Sunday, October 9, 2016

Dozens Injured In Long Island Rail Road Derailment

NEW YORK (Reuters) – A Long Island Rail Road passenger train derailed on Saturday near the community of New Hyde Park, New York, injuring as many as 29 people and halting service on the key transit line in both directions, railroad officials and police said.

Official details were not available on the precise circumstances of the incident, which occurred at about 9 p.m. local time (0100 GMT) when a passenger train struck a work train about 20 miles (32 km) east of Manhattan, according to police.

It was not immediately clear if the work train was stationary at the time.

Nassau County Executive Ed Mangano told a news conference 29 people were tre…
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Train Derails in New York, Forces Evacuations

Crews worked to clear the site of a 16-car Norfolk Southern freight train derailment that forced the evacuation of dozens of western New York homes after ethanol leaked from two tankers. (March 2)

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Dozens Injured In Long Island Rail Road Derailment

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